BANKEX Platform

for continuous securitization

Create security-backed assets with predictable risk and yield

What is

BANKEX platform for continuous securitization?

It’s a procedure that allows combination and instant addition of small amounts of assets into an economically feasible pool for securitization to unlock the financing power of a wide range of asset classes.

what assets

Can be securitized

Continuous audit & continuous pricing from BANKEX can reduce the cost of securitization of traditional assets. As a result annual percentage rate decreases by 0.5-2%

  • Real estate loans, such as HELOCs (home equity line of credit)
  • Real estate funds or trusts (REITs - real estate investment trust)
  • Corporate debt

Now it is possible to securitize assets that previously couldn’t be effectively combined due to the lack of audit tools and valuation standards

  • Art objects (paintings, sculptures, digital art)
  • Media: movie financing, music rights, blogs content
  • IP
role of

Continuous audit & pricing in securitization

Bankex tools create evaluation standards (like the Kelly Blue Book for used auto) for unique low-liquid assets


It works


Bankex experts select a tokenization standard based on:

  • Asset type
  • Legal status
  • Cash flow
  • Borrower’s goals

And asset’s passport is created. It is called security token framework


The asset is compared with thousands of other cases within the framework. The asset passport records the parameters necessary for securitization and specific to this asset type

  • Risk
  • Yield
  • Payment structure

Data for comparison is provided by industrial transaction statistics centers


When passport is filled asset is added to the pool of identical assets to reduce risk. Pool passport parameters are average parameters of all assets in the pool

or just

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The information contained in this website and any files is for informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be in violation of any local laws

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